INF Canada

INF Canada empowers Nepal’s poorest people through life-changing health and community development work that is distinctively shaped by INF’s Christian identity and values.

INF’s Identity


We serve with love because God first loved us


Life in all its fullness for poor and disadvantaged people of Nepal


Love, Service, Excellence, Integrity

What we do?

Compassion: Medical Charity

INF Canada’s Medical Charity Project provides hope and healing to those in need. The Medical Charity Project aims to provide financial assistance for treatment and mobility aids to poor and needy patients in INF’s hospitals in Nepal. We aim to ensure that no one is deprived of health services due to financial constraints, thereby promoting Health, Equity, and Accessibility for all.

Every year, many patients require treatment support and assistive devices in INF’s hospitals. While some have the financial capability to pay for the treatment, others cannot afford their treatment and healthcare services. We understand the immense burden that medical expenses can place on individuals and families, especially those already struggling with poverty. So, we aim to raise funds to help these families deal with medical expenses and reduce the financial burden on them, making treatment accessible for all.

 With your generous contribution, we can provide vital medical services and mobility aid to those who need it most being treated in INF hospitals, regardless of their financial circumstances. Through the Medical Charity, we strive to alleviate this burden and ensure that no one is deprived of essential medical care and mobility aids in INF’s hospitals.

Development: Women Capacity Building Project

Empowerment is not just about acquiring skills; it’s about cultivating leaders. We believe in the power of women to drive meaningful change within their communities. Through mentorship and leadership development initiatives, we want to nurture the next generation of female leaders, empowering them to advocate for themselves and others.

Our commitment to women’s empowerment goes beyond rhetoric; it’s a cornerstone of everything we do. Through tailored programs, mentorship, and skill-building workshops, we provide women across Nepal with the tools and resources they need to thrive. From rural villages to urban centers, we are breaking down barriers and unlocking the full potential of every woman we serve.

As we continue our journey from empowerment to impact, we need your support now more than ever. Your generosity enables us to expand our reach, deepen our impact, and empower even more women across Nepal. Together, we can amplify the voices of women, transform communities, and build a better world for generations to come.

Transformation: Kapilvastu Community Transformation Project

Kapilvastu, historically significant as the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as Gautama Buddha, faces many challenges, particularly affecting its women and marginalized communities.

Women in Kapilvastu often encounter obstacles related to gender inequality and limited access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Issues like child marriage, gender-based violence, and restricted mobility further exacerbate their plight. Moreover, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure and practices in Kapilvastu are insufficient and poor, leading to health hazards and diseases. Lack of clean water sources and proper waste management systems contribute to the spread of illnesses, particularly among vulnerable populations like women and children.

Poverty is very rampant, with many families struggling to meet their basic needs. This economic hardship perpetuates cycles of deprivation and limits opportunities for education, employment and advancement, especially for women and girls.

Behavioral challenges, including cultural norms and practices are very much prevalent within these societies where women face significant gender disparities. Women are often subjected to gender inequality and discrimination. Cultural norms and economic constraints limit their ability to pursue higher education or secure gainful employment and have limited access to decision making roles. Traditional gender roles and societal expectations restrict women’s freedom and opportunities for advancement. This lack of access to education and economic resources has hampered women’s ability to achieve financial independence and self-sufficiency.

Gender-based violence remains a pressing issue in Kapilvastu District. Forms of violence include domestic violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking, child marriage, and dowry-related violence. Many women continue to suffer silently due to social stigma, lack of awareness, and inadequate legal protection.

Despite these challenges, there is hope. INF has been working tirelessly in Kapilvastu since 2007, implementing vital projects aimed at addressing these pressing issues. However, our work is far from over. We invite you to join us in making a tangible difference in the lives of the people specially women and mariginalized communities of Kapilvastu District.

How you can help

We need you! The work of INF Canada is carried out by a team of volunteers with administrative and logistical support from INF’s Kathmandu office. We are actively looking and praying for volunteers in Canada to join our team, including:

  • Committed individual with financial expertise to serve on the board as treasurer
  • Communicators who are excited to tell the stories of what God is doing in INF and Nepal; online, through social media and to groups and individuals
  • Prayer mobilizers
  • Networkers who can help us connect with people who’d love to know about and support our work
  • Strategic thinkers, organizers and administrators

If you are interested in any of these roles or are simply excited by the vision but not sure yet how you can help then we’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch.

INF Canada works with the following partner missions in Canada:
INF Canada board members:
Kamal Gamal - Board Chair
Kamal was the principal of a private school in Nepal before his theological studies (M.Div.) at Sydney Missionary & Bible College, Australia, after which, in July 2006, Kamal joined Richmond Baptist in Canada as an Associate Pastor of Youth and Young Adults. Since 2010, Kamal’s role has been changed to Pastor of Outreach & Assimilation because he believes his strength and passion is to reach out to people with the love and the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and develop leaders to expand the Kingdom of God. 

Kamal desires to see people come to know Jesus, reach their full potential, reproduce Christ-like servant leaders, and have a God-honoring impact on their local and global communities. Kamal is amazed to see how God had moved him and his family to several countries to bring glory to God. Kamal often brags that in one year, he had an opportunity to minister in three different multicultural cities on three continents! Kamal has lots of God’s stories to share. 

He loves to meet people, hear their stories and build relationships. Kamal’s interests include jogging, hiking, reading, and spending time with his family. He and his wife, Rajani, have two sons.
Indu Shah

Indu is a community development professional who has worked with INF Nepal in Nepalgunj and United Mission to Nepal [UMN]. She moved from Nepal to Canada in 2011, completed her studies in International Development in Toronto, and is working for a local NGO called Alzheimer Society of Toronto. She lives in Toronto with her husband and son.

Carol Scovil


Carol worked with INF as a rehabilitation engineer at Green Pastures Hospital in 2008-2009, helping find more appropriate wheelchair options for Nepal’s rugged terrain. Since then, she has returned with several short-term medical teams to continue to support rehabilitation in Nepal. She currently works in the Assistive Technology Clinic at Toronto Rehab’s Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Centre.

Dr Fernanda Zaganelli

Dr Fernanda Zaganelli de Barcellos is a medical doctor, researcher, and educator. She earned her medical doctorate in 2006 from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and her Canadian Educational Equivalency as a Doctor of Medicine was accepted by the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) in 2021. She has over 20 years of experience with community development and humanitarian aid projects in Brazil and overseas. Dr Zaganelli de Barcellos looks forward to adding value to improving individuals’ and communities’ quality of life and health in Nepal.

Sahaj Ghimire
Sahaj Ghimire is a technology consultant based out of Toronto, Ontario. Before moving to Canada, Sahaj did his undergraduate and graduate school work in the United States. He holds an MA in Ministry from Baptist Bible Theological Seminary, an MBA with an emphasis in International Business, and an MS in Project Management from Missouri State University. His previous work experience ranges from research associate and accounting to business analysis.
In his free time, Sahaj likes to practice music on guitar and has been pursuing Krav Maga self-defence for over a year. He has a desire to connect with different cultures and understand nuances of geography, culture, language, and religion and how they affect interactions among people from various walks of life. Sahaj is married to his wife Rebecca, and they intend to serve Nepal and the Nepali community in Toronto and Nepal in the coming days.

Give to support the work of INF

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Via online at Canada Helps. or scan the QR code:

Send a cheque to International Nepal Fellowship Canada, with a note in the memo about what the funds are for. The cheque can be mailed to:

INF Canada
PO Box 91112
Royal Oak RPO
T3G 5W6