INF New Zealand

INF/NZ is a registered charity based in Auckland.


Monsoon Update – Landslide in Pokhara and INF’s Response

Heavy monsoon rains around July led to many rivers rising to dangerous…

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DP Net’s provincial meeting aimed at strengthening disaster preparedness in Gandaki

The Disaster Preparedness Network (DP Net)'s Gandaki Provincial Meeting took place at…

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Leprosy screening camp led to the detection of 8 leprosy patients

INF Nepal conducted leprosy screening camps in two health posts of Maharajgunj…

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Disaster preparedness workshop with stakeholders from Gandaki Province

Disasters often disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, including persons with disabilities, who face…

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For most New Zealanders there is a sense of connection with Nepal. This is through history, mountains, earthquakes, personal connections or trekking. INF New Zealand is seeking to help people in New Zealand understand the physical and spiritual needs in Nepal and how individuals and groups can be engaged.

We do this in various ways:

  • INF New Zealand recruits volunteer mission workers from New Zealand to serve short- and long-term with INF in Nepal and in ministries reaching Nepali people in Nepal and around the world.
  • INF New Zealand raises funds for INF’s work particularly in the areas of health, community development and relief work. All donations given to INF projects are eligible for tax rebates in New Zealand but these donations must be made through our trust website. The trust called Humanitarian Aid Trust [HAT] can be accessed here:
  • INF New Zealand also raises prayer support for the work of INF and provides support to a network of INF Prayer Groups across New Zealand.
  • We provide materials such as the Today in Nepal magazine and the regular INF update email [if you would like to get these then please contact the INF New Zealand director or sign up here for electronic copies]
  • We are keen to connect and have conversations with individuals and groups about the work in Nepal and about engaging your church and friends in practical ways in this country and with the Nepali people.

Events & Campaigns


Is a way which you can sell some shares you have been sitting on and donate the money for the ongoing earthquake rebuild work in Nepal.

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INF Poor Fund


INF’s Poor Fund lends a helping hand to those in need so that they too may gain access to God’s life changing grace.

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INF Smokeless Stoves


Is an INF project to provide stoves to people in remote villages in Nepal.

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Notes for Nepal


Even though the earthquake in Nepal was in 2015 the rebuilding needs are still overwhelming.

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For more information about INF New Zealand,

please call:  +64 027 220 3931 or

Postal address:
5A Scotstoun Place
Glen Eden
Auckland 0602
New Zealand