Since the devastating earthquakes of 2015, INF Australia has supported the rebuilding of inclusive and resilient communities, with particular support for people with disabilities.

Through the GRACE [Gorkha Rehabilitation and Community Empowerment] project, INF has worked with government to rebuild a total of five hostels attached to public schools, so that students with disabilities from remote areas can still attend school.


students and carers at Gorkha live-in hostel

INF has rebuilt five hostels so that children with disabilities from remote areas can attend school

The final hostel was completed at the end of January and handed over to the local government and school management committee. It is comprised of five rooms and two bathrooms, and accommodates up to ten students with different disabilities.

These students are from remote areas where there is inadequate formal education and social support for them to attend school. By living in a government-supported hostel, they have the opportunity to learn and grow more to reach their full potential.



Please join us in thanking God for the generosity of many Australians that donated to this project, praising Him for the completion of the hostels, and praying that they would be places of love and learning for the children who live there.