Honouring the nurses in the International Nurses Day

Honouring the nurses in the International Nurses Day

Contribution of nurses to INF Since the beginning, Nurses have been critical to INF Journey in Nepal for 70 years. They have played a vital role in INF’s health and clinical services as patient advocates and skilled care providers.  Nurses have devoted their...
ANOT Conference in GPH

ANOT Conference in GPH

Biannual ANOT Conference was organised at Green Pastures Hospital on 6th May 2022 with the theme “Passion, Purpose, Possibility”. ANOT stands for Association of Nepal Occupational Therapists. According to ANOT, just ten Occupational Therapists are working...
Celebrating the life of our beloved sister Betty Bailey!

Celebrating the life of our beloved sister Betty Bailey!

We express our heartfelt condolences on the passing of our beloved sister Betty Bailey. She began her work from then Shining Hospital, Tudikhel Pokhara, in 1953 and then at Green Pastures Hospital. She went on to play a significant role in pioneering the Nepal...
हरियोखर्क अस्पतालमा बहिरङ्ग सेवा भवनको उद्घाटन

हरियोखर्क अस्पतालमा बहिरङ्ग सेवा भवनको उद्घाटन

पोखरा नयाँगाउँस्थित आइ एन एफ नेपाल हरियोखर्क अस्तपालमा स्तरोन्नती गरिएको बहिरङ्ग सेवा भवनको एक विशेष समारोहका बीच उद्घाटन गरिएको छ । आइ एन एफ नेपालका अध्यक्ष रामचन्द्र तिमोथी र आइ एन एफ अष्ट्रेलियाका प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत बेन थर्लीले सो भवनको संयुक्त रुपमा शिसालेख...
Five-year CHD Project Agreement with SWC Renewed

Five-year CHD Project Agreement with SWC Renewed

The Community Health and Development (CHD) tripartite project agreement of INF for the next five years was renewed with Social Welfare Council [SWC] on 6th April 2022. SWC Member Secretary Mr Manoj Bhatta, INF International Acting Country Director Mr Dhan Prasad...