All donations to INF Australia of $2 or more can be tax deductible.
For more information about tax deductible giving, please contact the INF Australia office via [02] 9411 1195 or [email protected], speak to your accountant, or go to the Australian Business Register []. INF Australia’s ABN is 75 090 528 500.
INF North America is a 501[c][3] organization; gifts to the organization are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal and State income tax purposes. In accordance with IRS regulations, INF North America has complete control over the use of all donated funds. However, every effort will be made to apply any gifts made in accordance with the donor’s designation.
INF Canada is a Canadian Registered Charity [BN824727978RR0001], and provides tax receipts for donations.
If you live in Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands or Switzerland giving to INF in a tax-efficient way is quite easy to do. Here are the simple steps to take:
- Contact your country-relevant foundation (contact details are below) letting them know that you would like to give to International Nepal Fellowship (INF) in a tax-efficient way.
- They provide you with the necessary forms to fill-in, and advise you how to give.
- On receipt of the completed forms, the foundation will provide a letter to you for your tax return.
- They then advise us, by email, of the payment and of any designation specified by you.
- We then send you a confirmation letter once when we receive the donation.
King Baudouin Foundation
rue Brederodestraat 21
1000 Brussels,
T: +32-2-549 02 31
F: +32 2 549 02 89
E: [email protected]
Fondation de France
40 Avenue Hoche
75008 Paris, France
T: +33-1-44 21 87 60
E: [email protected]
— Option A
Maecenata Stiftung
Linienstrasse 139/140
D–10115 Berlin,
T: +49 30 2838 7909
F: +49 30 2838 7910
E: [email protected]
— Option B
Forum Wiedenest e.V.
Eichendorffstr. 2
D-51702 Bergneustadt,
T: +49-2261-406-0
F: +49-2261-406-155
E: [email protected]
Bank: Volksbank Oberberg eG
Bankleitzahl: 384 621 35
Konto-Nummer: 220 270 0015
INF projects registered with Forum Wiedenest:
61740 INF-Projekte allgemein
61750 GP Krankenhaus – Green-Pastures -Leprosy Hospital
61770 Jumla – med. Arbeit
61820 Lepra-Arbeit Nepal/mildtätig
61830 PFR Partnership for Rehab./mildtätig
61900 Poor Fund – Krankenhaus-Behandlungen für Ärmste Leute
Oranje Fonds
Maliebaan 18 3581 CP Utrecht,
The Netherlands
T: +31-30-656 45 24
F: +31-30-656 22 04
E: [email protected]
Swiss Philanthropy Foundation
c/o BMG Avocats 8C av de Champel
CP 385 – 1211 Genève 12
T: +41-22-321 77 37
E: [email protected]